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سطر ۱۹: سطر ۱۹:
متن انگلیسی
متن انگلیسی
{{آغاز چپ‌چین}}
{{چر}} ({{چر}}Page 209{{چر}}){{چر}}
(Page 209)
His Majesty the Shah's craving for land is already well known to you and there is perhaps no need for me to harp upon the theme of the extraordinary acquisitiveness of the sovereign. But several instances of this insatiable land-hunger have recently come to my notice, and I have the honour briefly to record them in this despatch. On the one hand, the process seems to be accelerating; on the other hand, the longer it continues the more dangerous and significant will be the dissatisfaction of the expropriated class.
His Majesty the Shah's craving for land is already well known to you and there is perhaps no need for me to harp upon the theme of the extraordinary acquisitiveness of the sovereign. But several instances of this insatiable land-hunger have recently come to my notice, and I have the honour briefly to record them in this despatch. On the one hand, the process seems to be accelerating; on the other hand, the longer it continues the more dangerous and significant will be the dissatisfaction of the expropriated class.
{{چر}} 2. The village of Siahdehan, some twenty miles on the Hamadan side of Kazvin, is situated at the junction of the road to Tabriz and that to Hamadan. I heard last winter that the Shah had paid one hundred thousand Tomans (twelve thousand five hundred pounds) for the whole village - a vastly rich property which brings in over fifteen thousand Tomans (one thousand, eight hundred and seventy five pounds) revenue yearly. At the end of October last we received confirmation of this rumour, except that it seems doubtful if the Shah ever paid at all. An individual named Ibrahim Tajir Bash called on the Oriental Secretary and introduced himself as a landowner from Siahdehan whose property, valued by him at twenty thousand Tomans (two thousand, five hundred pounds) had been seized by the Shah's representatives without any payment.
2. The village of Siahdehan, some twenty miles on the Hamadan side of Kazvin, is situated at the junction of the road to Tabriz and that to Hamadan. I heard last winter that the Shah had paid one hundred thousand Tomans (twelve thousand five hundred pounds) for the whole village - a vastly rich property which brings in over fifteen thousand Tomans (one thousand, eight hundred and seventy five pounds) revenue yearly. At the end of October last we received confirmation of this rumour, except that it seems doubtful if the Shah ever paid at all. An individual named Ibrahim Tajir Bash called on the Oriental Secretary and introduced himself as a landowner from Siahdehan whose property, valued by him at twenty thousand Tomans (two thousand, five hundred pounds) had been seized by the Shah's representatives without any payment.
{{چر}} (Page 212)
(Page 212)
Berlin, and though he had little in common with General Ayrom the two of them may well give a good deal of anxiety to the Iranian Legation there. The story goes that Taghizadeh sent a message to a friend in Tehran to the effect that his doctors thought that the climate of the Qasr-i-Qajar would not suit his constitution any more than the well-known injections which were obtainable there; an allusion to the story, now current in Tehran, that Teymourtache and Assad were killed by strychnine injections.  
Berlin, and though he had little in common with General Ayrom the two of them may well give a good deal of anxiety to the Iranian Legation there. The story goes that Taghizadeh sent a message to a friend in Tehran to the effect that his doctors thought that the climate of the Qasr-i-Qajar would not suit his constitution any more than the well-known injections which were obtainable there; an allusion to the story, now current in Tehran, that Teymourtache and Assad were killed by strychnine injections.  
سطر ۴۳: سطر ۴۳:
{{پایان چپ‌چین}}
{{پایان چپ‌چین}}

نسخهٔ ‏۲۱ مهٔ ۲۰۱۱، ساعت ۱۰:۱۰

شروع ویرایش --PardisParto ‏۱۳ آوریل ۲۰۱۰، ساعت ۱۱:۰۱ (UTC)

== اشتباهات تایپی در متن اصلی--امیر ‏۱۱ مهٔ ۲۰۱۱، ساعت ۰۷:۰۳ (UTC)

۱- صفحه ۱۲۹- پاراگراف اول : هم پید کرده است => هم پیدا کرده است.

۲- صفحه ۱۲۹- پاراگراف دوم : محاکمهٔ فریب‌الوقوع => محاکمهٔ قریب‌الوقوع

۳- صفحه ۱۲۹- پاراگراف دوم: می‌مگویند او از مسافرانی => می‌گویند او از مسافرانی

۴- صفحه ۱۲۹- پاراگراف دوم: به‌دست آرند رشوه می‌گرفته => به‌دست آورند رشوه می‌گرفته

۵- صفحه ۱۲۹- پاراگراف چهارم: رایج دربارهٔ اقدامات غاصصبانه => رایج دربارهٔ اقدامات غاصبانه

متن انگلیسی

چپ‌چین کارِ چپ-به-راست را نمی‌کند. پس فعلاً متنِ انگلیسی را منتقل می‌کنم به این‌جا. --پرستو ‏۲۰ مهٔ ۲۰۱۱، ساعت ۲۳:۱۲ (UTC)

متن انگلیسی

الگو:آغاز چپ‌چین (Page 209)

Sir, His Majesty the Shah's craving for land is already well known to you and there is perhaps no need for me to harp upon the theme of the extraordinary acquisitiveness of the sovereign. But several instances of this insatiable land-hunger have recently come to my notice, and I have the honour briefly to record them in this despatch. On the one hand, the process seems to be accelerating; on the other hand, the longer it continues the more dangerous and significant will be the dissatisfaction of the expropriated class.

2. The village of Siahdehan, some twenty miles on the Hamadan side of Kazvin, is situated at the junction of the road to Tabriz and that to Hamadan. I heard last winter that the Shah had paid one hundred thousand Tomans (twelve thousand five hundred pounds) for the whole village - a vastly rich property which brings in over fifteen thousand Tomans (one thousand, eight hundred and seventy five pounds) revenue yearly. At the end of October last we received confirmation of this rumour, except that it seems doubtful if the Shah ever paid at all. An individual named Ibrahim Tajir Bash called on the Oriental Secretary and introduced himself as a landowner from Siahdehan whose property, valued by him at twenty thousand Tomans (two thousand, five hundred pounds) had been seized by the Shah's representatives without any payment.

(Page 212)

Berlin, and though he had little in common with General Ayrom the two of them may well give a good deal of anxiety to the Iranian Legation there. The story goes that Taghizadeh sent a message to a friend in Tehran to the effect that his doctors thought that the climate of the Qasr-i-Qajar would not suit his constitution any more than the well-known injections which were obtainable there; an allusion to the story, now current in Tehran, that Teymourtache and Assad were killed by strychnine injections.

8. The stock observations concerning the Shah's acquisitiveness are, first, that he is only getting land in the way that the previous proprietors got theirs; second, that he is developing the land much more efficiently that the previous owners did; and third, that the whole country belongs to the Shah in any case. The net result is that an increasing number of landowners are discontented, while the Royal income is said to touch ten million Tomans per annum (one million, two hundred and fifty pounds).

I have the honour to be with the highest respect


Your most obedient

humble Servant
